How To Make Avocado Dressing

Salad dressings are all basically the same thing: Fat, acid and flavor. If they’re creamy, they have cream. No, not partially hydrogenated soybean oil, actual cream.

Once you know the formula you can mix-and-match and add whatever seasonings seem right. This avocado dressing recipe started as guacamole, so avocado and lime for the base. Then buttermilk to make it creamy, and balsamic vinegar for a little sweetness.

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How To Make Take-out Style Wings

Once upon a time restaurants advertised that their food was just like home-made. Then there was frozen food that was just like home-made. Then a strange thing happened: They started saying the frozen stuff was just like take-out.

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How To Make Blue Cheese Dip

No point in hiding from it: Yes, blue cheese is moldy cheese. It’s cool, though. Yogurt has live cultures in it too, and you like yogurt. (Uh oh, you did know that about yogurt, didn’t you?)

If you’ve got a mental block about eating moldy cheese I won’t try to convince you. But if you just think you don’t like blue cheese dip because you’ve only ever had the stuff they serve in little plastic cups at the wing place, you should really try some of the good stuff.

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How To Make Bacon Sweet Potato Soup

When you’ve got a grocery store nearby with aisles full of everything you could want, you don’t really need to do much in the way of menu planning. Get a taste for something, go buy it, cook it, planning done.

But in times and places where you didn’t know what was going to be available from day to day, you learned to make use of whatever was on hand. And one of the best ways to do that is soup. You can throw just about anything in a pot and make something edible. Wait a minute, “edible” … this is starting to sound like I’m making excuses for what I’m about to show you. Which is so totally wrong, because this soup is amazing.

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Life on the Lake 2014

This weekend we catered the desserts for the Life on the Lake fund-raiser for Our Lady of the Lake PTO. Regular readers would recognize about half of what was on that table, the rest is Coming Soon.

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