That's it, I'm not going to trust MREs any more. I'm sure you've heard of them, Meals Ready to Eat? The things you get in the military when you're not near a chow hall or mess tent? Well, the reason they've lost my trust is BE-101 Beef Stroganoff. I ate that plenty of times. As far as MREs go, it wasn't too bad. It doesn't come on that white plate or have some nondescript leaf stuck under it, like the picture in that link, but it was okay. The problem is, I thought that was what beef … [Read more...]
Scrambled Eggs With Prosciutto
September 8, 2008 (Updated March 24, 2014) by
It's hard to compete with deep-fried cotton candy. But that's pretty much what I face each Sunday morning, as the girls plead for a trip to Dunkin' Doughnuts. So this weekend I pulled out the secret weapon. Prosciutto bits. Like bacon bits, but better. And better than doughnuts. I rule. … [Read more...]
Roasted Parmesan Peppercorn Potatoes
August 5, 2008 (Updated March 24, 2014) by
I tend to suffer from kid-in-the-candy-store syndrome when it's time to plan a menu. When I'm just sitting there thinking about what I'd like to have, I don't even know where to start. Sometimes it helps to just go to the market and see what looks good. "Ooh, nice looking red peppers, what can I do with those?" But they tend to always have the same things in stock. (Hopefully this will change as we start seeing more local, in-season produce.) But what really clarifies my thinking is … [Read more...]
How To Grill Corn On The Cob
August 4, 2008 (Updated March 24, 2014) by
Fresh corn on the cob doesn't take much cooking at all. Some people insist that the only way to eat it is to get it within hours of being picked and boil it for two or three minutes. These same people will put the water on the stove before heading out to the farmers market or roadside stand to get the corn, so they won't waste a second after shucking it. These people are crazy. (I'm looking at you, Alton Brown.) I've kept corn in the fridge for two or three days before cooking it and I … [Read more...]
How To Make Bread And Butter Pickles
July 31, 2008 (Updated March 23, 2014) by
Ever since I was a kid I've loved bread and butter pickles. My mother's garden always produced way more cucumbers than we could possibly eat, and she would turn the extras into pickles. I don't remember if she made any other kinds. All I remember is the bread and butter. … [Read more...]