Eat Your Vegetables (And Grow Some, Too)

I'm no fan of the current farm subsidies. We end up with huge monocultures of corn and soybeans, which then have to be stuffed into everything we eat. (Why is there high fructose corn syrup in kielbasi? Check the ingredients, you'll be amazed.) Just as bad, the subsidies only really help the big businesses with all the lobbyists: ADM, Cargill, Monsanto. I'm sure plenty of farmers would be willing to disagree, saying the subsidies keep them in business. But wouldn't the money be just as green … [Read more...]

How to peel peaches

When my wife bought the Pampered Chef Mix 'N' Chop, I didn't want to like it. It was an extra gadget that we didn't need. Then I used it. Now it's one of my favorite kitchen tools. Just to keep things even, when we made peach cobbler my wife didn't want to use the technique I'm about to show you for peeling the peaches. It was just as easy to do them by hand. Then she tried it. … [Read more...]

Review: Empires of Food

Reviewing children's movies is hard. As an adult, you've seen all the storylines before. Before the movie is half over -- if it even takes that long -- you know everything that's going to happen. But the kids don't. They haven't seen it all before. They don't know that the hero always wins. They didn't know Simba was going to return and become the Lion King. They didn't know Han Solo was going to show up again in the last act. (What, you didn't know Star Wars was a kids' movie?) Sometimes … [Read more...]

Bacon Turtle Power!

If Turtle Power is good, Bacon Turtle Power must be awesome! Right? Handmade ground beef patties are topped with sharp cheddar cheese and then wrapped in a bacon weave before the Hebrew Nationals are inserted as the heads, legs and tails. Go check out the rest of the pictures and directions at Interwebs Randomness and Other Inspiring Tales. … [Read more...]

How To Freeze Blueberries (and other berries)

No matter how much you like blueberries, it's not likely a family of four is going to go through a gallon of them before they start to spoil. So if you've got a gallon of blueberries, you're going to want to freeze some of them. … [Read more...]