Anyone who knows me knows that I don't like corn syrup. I try to avoid it in anything I buy, which is surprisingly hard to do if you buy anything other than raw fruits and vegetables and unprocessed meat. Yes, we still buy some prepared foods, but less and less all the time. Jenn complains that I've ruined her. She doesn't even like things any more that she used to love. She'd rather have something good than something quick. (Score.) But then there's candy. I know it's not good for us, and … [Read more...]
Review: Food Matters
October 25, 2010 (Updated March 20, 2014) by
After watching Food Inc. and Julie & Julia on NetFlix, their system has decided that I like food movies. (It's not rocket science, people.) So this weekend it recommended Food Matters. I had never heard of it, but the synopsis sounded promising: With a staggering number of Americans suffering from obesity and other food-related maladies, this film takes a timely and hard-hitting look at how the food we eat is helping or hurting our health, and what we can do to live (and eat) … [Read more...]
You Can Have Your Own Opinion, You Don’t Get To Have Your Own Facts
October 13, 2010 (Updated March 20, 2014) by
Readers Digest ran a short article in their October issue called Why That Salad Costs More than a Big Mac. The main point was: Government subsidies help ensure that healthy food tends to cost more than meals that pack on pounds. I completely agree with that. Unfortunately, the way they arrived at that conclusion is so wrong that I wish they hadn't said anything at all. … [Read more...]
How To Make Potted Chicken with Chicken Stock
October 12, 2010 (Updated March 20, 2014) by
This is a variation on the potted chicken with tomatoes that I did for the Aetna Healthy Food Fight. Actually, I should call the tomato recipe the variation, since other versions are much more like this one. For instance Susan at "Cooking to Save" has this version, that starts out almost exactly like mine. Then there's this one at DVO, which uses the whole chicken like in my previous version. (Though roasting it first before adding to the Dutch oven seems like just a way to dirty another … [Read more...]
The Butcher is Retired … Long Live the Butcher
October 11, 2010 (Updated March 20, 2014) by
I've written about Larry, my local butcher, lots of times. Like the time I was making beef stroganoff: Larry cut the meat for me before bringing it out, and I almost asked for a different cut so I could show people how to do it. Then I realized, "Hey wait, this is why people go to butchers instead of the grocery store. That's what I should be telling people. Patronize your local small business owner, and you'll get better service." Or the time he pointed me toward steak "for swissing" to use … [Read more...]