How To Make Broccoli Salad

I had broccoli salad for the first time about eight or nine years ago when I went to a family gathering with my wife. It was surprisingly good. Unfortunately, everyone I asked for a recipe told me what kind of bottled salad dressing they use. I guess they don't understand the whole "from scratch" thing for what I put on the blog. So after an hour or so of research I finally found a good one that I could do. And it included a fantastic tip that makes this the best version I've had. … [Read more...]

How To Make Pot Roast

If I'm going to fall for some great marketing -- and know that I'm falling for it the whole time -- I sure better make something that's worth losing my self-respect. So this time I didn't take a shortcut and put the slow cooker on "Hi" for three hours. This one gets the full 7-plus hours it needs to be fork tender. And oh my goodness ... this is what pot roast is supposed to taste like. … [Read more...]

How To Make Pork Fried Rice

It's taken me several tries, but I finally got the fried rice down pat. I was making two mistakes, either one of which would make it not-quite-right. But together? Completely wrong, like it was a whole different, completely forgettable dish. Here, finally, is how it's supposed to work. … [Read more...]

How To Make Crock Pot Pork Tenderloin

I don't know why I waited so long to break out the crock pot this year. No wait, that's not true. The reason is I don't have enough room in the kitchen to keep it there year-round, so it goes in the basement. The pantry is in the basement, so it's not like I don't go downstairs to get stuff for dinner all the time. It's a mental block that makes no sense and I know it. Ooh, but the ice cream maker is in the kitchen. I don't think I'll be using that for a while. I think I just made room in the … [Read more...]

How To Make A Cheesesteak

Like I said yesterday, it's either a cheesesteak or it's not. Anyone who calls it "Philly style" is either lying or just wrong. No one from Philly would ever call it that, so anyone who does say it doesn't know what they're talking about. I don't tell people they're wrong "because I said so" very often. So give me this one, okay? I know cheesesteaks. And this one is closer to "right" than 99% of the ones I've tasted outside of Philly. And the next time will be even closer. … [Read more...]