How To Make French Dimpled Rolls

It's taken me several tries, but I've finally found the dinner roll recipe I'm going to go with. It's drop-dead simple, doesn't require any special ingredients, doesn't need to be sliced, and doesn't require that bane of my existence: the slash in the top. If that last piece doesn't make any sense to you, think about the slice (or slices) in the top of most large bread loaves. No, not sandwich bread. I mean a nice crusty loaf, the kind you serve with a fancy dinner. You slice the dough after … [Read more...]

How To Make Baked Macaroni And Cheese – Take 2

My usual baked mac and cheese is a version with eggs I learned in the Bahamas on my honeymoon. Since the first time I made that, I've never gone back and made the traditional style I used to do. Until now. This is one of the first dishes I learned to do really well. And yes, it's still just as good as I remember. As good as my other version? I don't know. I'll have to do them both someday so I can compare. (Oh, and see below for an important announcement.) … [Read more...]

How To Make Croissants

My wife was making an appetizer for a party that called for a can of pre-made "crescent rolls" from the refrigerator section of the grocery store. I thought, "Surely I can make something at least as good as that." I overshot by a bit. I accidentally made something so much better than those blue cans that I couldn't believe it. Now admittedly, you can't slice these like a roll and make a breakfast sandwich out of them. The texture is way too flaky for that. But warm with a little butter, … [Read more...]

How To Make Puff Pastry

This is not the post I planned on writing. This was supposed to be how to make croissants. There's this appetizer my wife makes that calls for a one of those blue cans of pre-made crescent rolls from the refrigerated section at the grocery store. I thought for sure I could do better than that. So I found a couple of recipes, mixed and matched the parts that sounded good, and ... holy crap I made puff pastry! That's supposed to be hard. For the past year I've been telling myself that "someday … [Read more...]

How To Make Whole Wheat Dinner Rolls

This wasn't supposed to be a full-length post. I was just going to re-do Mom Gorman's Hot Rolls that Barb did back in October, but using whole wheat instead of white flour. But apparently I've got a bad case of what a former editor called "shutter diarrhea". I just kept shooting pictures. Along the way, and in a bit of research afterwards, I learned quite a bit about baking with whole wheat. And now I have something to try for next time. … [Read more...]