Cheesecake is delicious, but can be really heavy. It's not the kind of thing you're going to want after a meal like pot roast with mashed potatoes and gravy. This version gives you the same taste with a much lighter texture. And it's a no-bake, so it won't heat your kitchen up in the summer, either. … [Read more...]
How To Make Graham Cracker Crust
April 19, 2009 (Updated March 23, 2014) by
Ever heard the expression, "Life is short, eat dessert first"? I'm the exception that proves that little rule. Given the choice between having another pork chop -- or meatball, or slice of meatloaf, with maybe some more mashed potatoes and gravy and ... wait, where was I? -- oh right, given the choice between a second helping and saving room for dessert, I'll take the second helping nearly every time. Sure, I like sweets, but I don't love sweets. I once had a bowl of Halloween candy on my … [Read more...]
How To Make Fried Dough
April 15, 2009 (Updated March 23, 2014) by
Now that spring is showing up every now and then -- anyone else who's ever been in Cleveland through April knows what that means -- I start thinking about fair food from my childhood. I always preferred funnel cake to elephant ears, though they're basically the same food in a slightly different shape. (Funnel cake has more crispy surface area, elephant ears have more light, fluffy insides.) But I don't like deep frying in the house, unless I can open up all the windows in the kitchen and get … [Read more...]
Pineapple Stuffing, and An Announcement
April 14, 2009 (Updated March 23, 2014) by
Turkey needs stuffing. Everyone knows that. Beef gets potatoes. Lamb and rice. Chicken and rice. Or chicken and stuffing. Where am I going with this? Ham. What's the side that goes with ham? Oh sure, I always put something with ham, but there's never been anything guaranteed to pop into my mind when I think of ham. Until now. Now whenever I think of ham, I'll think of pineapple stuffing. … [Read more...]
How To Cut A Pineapple
April 12, 2009 (Updated March 24, 2014) by
I prefer to get local, seasonal fruits and vegetables whenever possible. But no matter how often I check, it never seems to be pineapple season in Cleveland. So I make do with the imported ones. Whether you have access to local ones or not, it's handy to know how to cut them once you get them. … [Read more...]