How To Make Lemon-Lime Bars

Jenn has been making these killer lemon bars for years. Now that I keep limes around for guacamole, I asked her to do a lemon-lime version.

Yup, it’s just as good as it looks.

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How To Make Blueberry Muffins

Most store-bought blueberry muffins have never been in the same room with a real blueberry. So be warned: these will taste like actual blueberries.

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How To Make Peanut Butter Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies

Ever had a peanut-butter and banana sandwich? Yummy combination. Then there’s chocolate covered bananas. Another great pairing. And of course everyone knows peanut-butter and chocolate taste great together. (Can I say that without a trademark symbol? Guess I’ll find out.)

So how about all three at the same time? Yeah, totally works.

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How To Make Devonshire Cream

Whipped cream, clotted cream, creme fraiche, sour cream, marscapone, double cream, heavy cream … there are about as many variations on this theme as there are things to put it on.

If you’re not lucky enough to have a local source — and for dairy, you pretty much need a local source — you start with what’s available and get creative.

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How To Make Scones (4 Ways)

Jenn and the girls love visiting tea rooms to have … tea, apparently. And tiny little cucumber sandwiches and petits fours and scones. I didn’t do tea parties growing up, so let’s just say that’s all not my scene.

But hey, that’s where Jenn picked up on scones, and they’re yummy so, “Yay, tea rooms!”

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