Make It Yourself Monday: Grenadine

Do you remember when you were little and went out to a special dinner with your family? The only thing that made it barely bearable was getting to drink a Shirley Temple filled with extra cherries by a server who was trying to keep you from throwing crushed cracker crumbs all over the floor.[1] … [Read more...]

Make It Yourself Monday: Dairy Extravaganza

The Frugal Hostess is very sophisticated and also extra fancy. However, she does enjoy some good, old-fashioned, hand-made vittles. In particular, she likes to try to make things herself that you might ordinarily just purchase. Much to her delight, TFH found a soulmate in one Ms. Karen Solomon, author of the book "Jam It, Pickle It, Cure It." And thus was inspired a Dairy Extravaganza. … [Read more...]

Pantry Math by the Frugal Hostess

This is a guest post from The Frugal Hostess. After you read it, click the link at the end to go to her blog and subscribe to it. The Frugal Hostess was never a big fan of doing math. The memorization and detail really got her down. The boringness, the lack of drama, and the repetition kept her down. Down with math, man. So it's interesting how often TFH finds herself doing equations in her everyday life. Is she the only person for whom this is true? Why is she forever in search of … [Read more...]