Buffalo Jerky

Jerky ain’t pretty. Okay, the pineapple jerky I showed you a couple of weeks ago looked pretty cool. But usually it looks more like shoe leather.

But jerky isn’t about looks. It’s … No, you know what? If you don’t already know why you love jerky, I’m not going to try to convince you. As soon as you saw the headline on this post and saw that picture, you either said, “Eww, why would anyone eat that?” or, “Yumm! Where can I get some?”

Read on, and I’ll tell you.

The folks at sent me a pack of their buffalo jerky.

Once again, the ingredients are about as minimal as I’ve ever seen on a packaged product. (That’s a compliment, by the way.)

I don’t think buffalo are significantly larger than beef cattle, so I don’t know what’s going on here, but these were the biggest hunks of jerky I’ve ever seen.

Tear off some smaller pieces and it’s pretty much like “normal” jerky.

I wouldn’t say the flavor is radically different from other jerkies I’ve had. I’d have to do a blind taste test to say for sure, but it is one of the better ones I’ve had. As a point of reference, my uncle is a hunter, and I’ve sampled literally dozens of jerkies made by friends of his from game they caught.

Hmm, a jerky tasting event. What an interesting idea …

But in the meantime, if you like jerky — and I assume that’s why you’re still reading — and if you want to try one that’s made the way you would make it, you can find the buffalo jerky, as well as Beef Jerky, Turkey Jerky, Ostrich Jerky, Alligator Jerky, and plenty more at

PS: Yes, I make a few cents if you order using one of those links above.