How To Make … Your Wife Happy

I know I promised the next two posts were going to be apples and pie crust. But I had to share.

I was sitting down to write the apple post and my wife asked me to make her some chicken salad. I had the laptop on the lap desk, my feet up on the table … I was all settled in!

“Oh, but you make it so much better. And I already set everything out for you.”

But … the lap desk … and … yes dear.

So I went into the kitchen and mixed up the
two cups of leftover chicken, diced
1/2 cup of mini dill pickles, diced
1/2 cup mayonnaise

and brought her a sandwich.

As she was eating, I told her, “You know this is totally going up on the web, right?”

“Yeah, whatever, just get me a cup of milk.”

“Yes dear.”

If you really want her happy — or if you want her to accept a really big apology — try the frozen chocolate truffle pie. I got some comments on it suggesting women would leave their husbands for this pie. (Please use these powers for good.)