My Name Is In The Freezer Section!

This is quite possibly the coolest thing I’ve heard since starting the blog. Shortly after I did the ribs, Linda wrote to tell me:

BTW, have done your ribs and sauce (recent ones in foil) twice since you published the recipe. Last time was for our Memorial Day BBQ. Big hit. Major hit. We have packets of ribs and containers of sauce in the freezer labeled “Drew’s Ribs” and “Drew’s Sauce”. You’re a big hit in our kitchen. Thanks for doing your blog. It, and you, are awesome!

She … has my name on the packages? SQEEEEE!

I told my wife about it, and she said I should ask for a picture. This is the first time anyone has ever called something “Drew’s Ribs”. (Okay, I suppose they wouldn’t have called an apple pie “Drew’s Ribs” no matter how good it was. You know what I meant.)

That, up top there, is what I got in my inbox today. Along with the note, “The sauce is history and we only have two packets of ribs left.”

Do you have any idea how cool that is?